Trusted Advice, Proven Results
Trusted Advice Proven Results

News and Events Archive 2016

Can I Freeze a Judgment Debtor’s Assets?

November 9, 2016

Philip Cho presented at the Law Society of Upper Canada’s 6-Minute Debtor/Creditor and Insolvency Lawyer program, chaired by the Honourable Justice Fred Myers and Michael Myers, on October 17, 2016. Philip provided a brief overview of the use of Mareva injunctions as a judgment enforcement tool, together with a paper prepared by Philip and KRMC 2017 Articling Student, Jeffrey Day. Philip has been a frequent speaker of this popular seminar series in past years.

A link to the presentation can be found here.

Powers of Attorney – Save Your Loved Ones the Headaches and Heartaches.

November 2, 2016

In an article for Morningstar, KRMC wills and trusts lawyer Raquel Kaplan Goldberg spoke to journalist Gail Beebee about the importance of planning for incapacity. Goldberg reviewed ways to proactively select future substitute decision makers of one’s choosing – including by granting powers of attorney for property and personal care, and setting up alter ego trusts – and explained that a failure to do so could result in third parties making that choice instead, usually with increased costs and reduced flexibility and privacy.

The complete article can be found here.

Philip Cho – Bankruptcy Law Panelist at IAKL Conference in Washington D.C.

October 5, 2016

Philip Cho, a partner in the firm’s Commercial Litigation and Insolvency Group, spoke on a bankruptcy law panel at the 23rd Annual International Association of Korean Lawyers Conference which took place from September 29 to October 2 in Washington, D.C. The panel provided an overview of debtor-in-possession asset sales – called 363 Sales in the U.S. – and under the CCAA in Canada. This year, the conference was attended by over 380 lawyers of Korean heritage from all over the world including the U.S., Korea, Canada, Europe, Asia, South America, the Middle East. Philip also acts as a Regional Governor for the IAKL. For more information visit

Mervyn D. Abramowitz appointed Chair of Sections of the OBA

August 29, 2016

Mervyn D. Abramowitz, partner in charge of KRMC’s Commercial Litigation and Insolvency group, has been appointed Chair of Sections for the Ontario Bar Association for the current year. The OBA has 17,000 members, who are active in some 39 different sections of the OBA covering various areas of the law. Mervyn was previously chair of the OBA’s Civil Litigation section and also served on the Insolvency Law section executive. In his new position, Mervyn will also sit on the OBA’s Board of Directors.

Arrival of KRMC’s Articling Students for the 2016-2017 Term

August 8, 2016


KRMC is pleased to announce the arrival of the following Articling Students who will be with us for the 2016-2017 articling term:

Michael Sniderman (Queen’s University Faculty of Law)
Rozmin Mediratta (Western University Faculty of Law)

A big welcome to all of our students!

Bruce Cappel of KRMC Elected to OBA Law Practice Management Executive

July 28, 2016

Bruce Cappel has been elected to the Ontario Bar Association Law Practice Management Section Executive 2016-2017 as a Member at Large. This section deals with various law practice management issues; its members are involved in the planning and presentation of educational sessions to the membership.

July 18, 2016

KRMC and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto

July 6, 2016


KRMC is proud to continue its long standing support for Big Brothers Big Sisters.

A number of lawyers from KRMC recently attended the annual “Big Night Out Gala”. As in the past, KRMC was a table sponsor at the event, held at the Liberty Grand, Exhibition Place. The Gala, presented by Scotiabank, was also attended by numerous entertainment, business and community leaders.

To learn more about this worthy organization, and how you can help make a difference, please visit:

KRMC Rides VIP for Heart & Stroke


Congratulations to KRMC’s team who rode on the Big Bike to support the Heart & Stroke Foundation on June 22 nd. The team raised $5200 and once again earned VIP status. All the money raised will go toward further research to develop life-saving treatments that bring hope to heart disease and stroke patients, and return more survivors home.

Thank you to everyone who rode and supported our team!

KRMC Big Bike VIPs

2016 Law Slam Tennis Challenge

The 5 th Annual Law Slam Tennis Challenge was held on Sunday, June 12 th at the University of Toronto’s Scarborough Tennis Center. Over the past 5 years, this event has raised over $ 50,000.00 with all proceeds from this year’s event going to the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Mitch Schachter was a finalist this year and has either reached the finals or won events in each of the preceding 4 years.

Brain Injury Networking & Fundraising

On Wednesday, June 8, 2016, Mitch Schachter attended the networking event to benefit the BIST (Brain Injury Society of Toronto ) and OBIA (Ontario Brain Injury Association). These two organizations continue to support those living with the effects of acquired brain injury through education, awareness, support and advocacy. Money raised at this event helps raise awareness and funding to support their programs and services.

Meaghan McCarthy Golf Classic

KRMC will again be the Butterfly sponsor for the 4 th annual Meaghan McCarthy Golf Classic, which will take place on Thursday July 7 th, 2016 at the Angus Glen Golf Club in Markham.

Proceeds from this tournament will assist the Rhabdo Research Department at the Hospital for Sick Children make important advances into alternative treatments, and ultimately find a cure, for Rhabdomyosarcoma (Rhabdo), a rare cancer that is primarily found in children, where current treatment includes a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.


KRMC’s Philip Cho hosted an IAKL lunch meeting

June 7, 2016

On June 6, Philip Cho, in his role as Regional Governor for the International Association of Korean Lawyers (IAKL), hosted a lunch meeting with a delegation of judges and legal professionals from South Korea together with other IAKL Regional Governors and members of the Korean Canadian Lawyers Association executive. The delegation from South Korea included, the Chair of the Korean Sentencing Commission, judges of the South Korean court, law school professors and a private practitioner.

Welcome to Summer Law Students 2016!

May 30, 2016

KRMC is pleased to announce the arrival of our 2016 summer law students:

Jeffrey Day (University of Windsor’s Faculty of Law)
Matt Bradley (University of Ottawa’s English Common Law Program)
Matthew Chung (McGill University’s Faculty of Law)
Vicky Chan (University of Windsor’s Faculty of Law)


A big welcome to all of our students!

Mervyn D. Abramowitz to co-chair the Commercial List Retreat again

May 16, 2016

On June 1, 2016, KRMC’s Mervyn D. Abramowitz, head of the firm’s Commercial Litigation and Insolvency Practice Group, will once again co-chair the annual Commercial List Retreat with Roger Jaipargas of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP and Daniel Weisz, of Collins Barrow Toronto Limited. The event brings together members of the judiciary, the bar and the accounting / insolvency profession who practise on the Commercial List court in Toronto. Participants will attend a morning education session, followed by an afternoon of golf or the spa, and a reception thereafter, all at the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club. More information about the Retreat can be found at: The Ontario Bar Association.

Andrea Margles to Receive Osgoode Alumni Gold Key Award

April 26, 2016

KRMC congratulates Andrea Margles for being selected as recipient of Osgoode’s Alumni Gold Key Award in the Service category for 2016. The Gold Key Awards honour outstanding alumni for their contributions to the profession, the Law School and legal community.

Andrea has been involved with the Parkdale Community Legal Services (PCLS) for many years, either as a member, or, most recently, serving as a co-chair from 2008 to 2015. PCLS is a teaching clinic and a community clinic offering law services to low-income residents of Parkdale and Swansea. As part of Osgoode Hall Law School’s Intensive Programme in Poverty Law, students can take on a term of experiential learning at PCLS where they become the primary caseworkers, conduct client interviews, negotiate and participate in public legal education, law reform and community development projects.

Andrea came to KRMC in 1977 as a student, was called to the Bar in 1979 and became a partner in 1985. Andrea practices mostly in the areas of wills and estates.

The Alumni Gold Key Award winners will be celebrated from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at Osgoode Hall, located at 130 Queen St. W., Toronto.

Andrea Margles Alumni Gold Key

KRMC Sponsors the Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation’s 2016 Scholarship Night Gala

April 4, 2016

KRMC is proud to again be a Silver Sponsor of the annual Scholarship Night Gala for the Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation taking place on April 30, 2016. The annual Gala is a special event in the Korean-Canadian community where this year’s 22 scholarship recipients will be awarded their scholarships, and the Foundation will share their work and celebrate other accomplishments in the community. The KCSF is a registered charity established in 1978 to provide scholarships, bursaries, and leadership development programs for students and young adults. Philip Cho, a partner of KRMC, is the Chairperson of the KCSF, and is serving his fourth term.

KRMC’s Philip Cho will be giving the keynote address at the KCLASS conference

March 7, 2016

On March 12, 2016, Philip Cho will be giving the keynote address at the annual Korean Canadian Law Students Society (KCLASS) Conference held this year at the University of Toronto. KCLASS is the law student branch of the Korean Canadian Lawyers Association. This year’s conference is titled “Building Your Career” and will feature panelists from Ontario Lottery Gaming Commission, Tory’s LLP, Rowand LLP, Goodmans LLP, ScotiaBank, Blaney McMurtry LLP, the Justice Department of the Ministry of the Attorney General and OMVIC.

KRMC Sponsors the Confederation of Greater Toronto Chinese Business Association’s 19th Annual Gala

February 27, 2016

KRMC was proud to be a silver sponsor of the Confederation of Greater Toronto Chinese Business Association’s (CGTCBA) 19th Annual Gala. The gala was held on February 27, 2016 at the Pearson Convention Center and was attended by members, friends, and guests of the four Chinese business associations in the Greater Toronto Area (the Toronto Chinese Business Association, Richmond Hill and Markham Chinese Business Association, Scarborough York Region Chinese Business Association, and the Mississauga Chinese Business Association) including many community and business leaders, Canadian politicians, and Chinese and Hong Kong dignitaries.

The CGTCBA was jointly incorporated in 1998 by the Toronto, Richmond Hill and Markham, Scarborough and York Region, and Mississauga business associations. The CGTCBA plays a key role in promoting business and trade between Chinese and mainstream communities by providing its members with opportunities to enhance their competitiveness, fostering strong relationships between the Chinese business community and all levels of government, and by serving as a voice that reflects its members’ needs and concerns.

KRMC Welcomes Philip Cho to the Partnership

February 12, 2016

KRMC is pleased to welcome Philip Cho to the partnership. Philip joined KRMC in 2011 following almost ten years at another Toronto firm. He practises in the areas of commercial litigation and insolvency law. He is a frequent speaker and contributor to professional development programs in his areas of practice. He is also very active in the Korean-Canadian community, currently serving as a regional governor of the International Association of Korean Lawyers, and the chair of the Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation.

Philip is located in KRMC’s main office and can be reached at 416.218.5494 or [email protected].

To read about past news and events, please visit our archive page 2016, archive page 2015, archive page 2014, archive page 2013, archive page 2012, archive page 2011.